Did you try making Dalgona Coffee?
Read: https://sg.theasianparent.com/dalgona-coffee
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I tried it. Love it!
I tried it and I love it. But it's too much work!
I tried it. Didn't like it.
I didn't try it.
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I’ve been doing it for a few times already and I used the hand mixer cuz it makes life so much easier 😆
no time to try but my boy just told me he's gonna try making it for me tomorrow!
I tried it and loved it. But I think it might be too sweet to drink often
It’s very easy actually. Been making Everyday ever since I tried
Dint try but saw a lot of pics from friends who had tried
I made it and I love it. i make it very often now
It’s a lot of work n dint really like it much
VIP Member
Too much sugar, Too much work, Too much hype...
i tried it for a couple times only.. taste ok
What's the difference between this and latte