#firstimemom KKH FYI

Just thought this might be helpful for some 👍🏻 These are the bills incurred during my First Trimester. Under KKH SUBSIDY SCHEME $43 - Consultation $343 - FTS Scan (1st 50%), FTS Blood tests, Consultation, ADC Scan, Medicine/Vitamins $23.42 - Husband Blood tests $86.50 - FTS Scan (2nd 50%) $375 - Harmony test (NIPT) $47 - Consultation #firstbaby #1stimemom #pregnancy

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Whats a harmony test? Isit compulsory

3y ago

Not compulsory, only if you want. Is more costly but you do get to find out the sex of your child and also higher accuracy of if your child is at risk of Down syndrome