Formula or breastmilk
Hi are there mummies who feeds baby breastmilk at home and feed fomula only when outside? Im a stay home mom and unsure how to bottle feed breast milk when outside. Also, since i am not working, i could express my milk for baby and at same time save money from buying fomula.

I’m a SAHM also. But my case it was easier cause my baby from was fridge cold breast milk (I was lazy one night and from then on she’s been taking cold milk 😅). If you don’t want to buy a portable warmer / in case nursing room doesn’t have hot water, you can just bring along your breast pump. Pump before baby’s next feed and feed directly after. For washing of parts (if you need to pump twice), bring along a small bottle of cleanser and your brush and wash outside. If you need to sterilise, use hot water from nursery (if any).
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