642 responses

Who the hell does he think that he has the right to tell women that we can’t work, and we should adhere to traditional societal norms? It seems he simply disrespects women in today’s society. This is why till this day women are fighting for their rights, because of comments from men like him 😒
I think a lot if it comes down to maternity leave, research shows that a lack of bond between mother and child leads to insecure children and can have long term affects on the child’s mental state. This would deter me from having a child, if I thought I could not provide an adequate life for it.
If my husband earns that amt of money of cos i can opt to stay home and do such things but with the prices of things increasing it will take a toll of my husband at a long run and only divorce because of quarrels is left, so it will not be increasing birth rates but divorce rates.
Seriously!??!! That kind of opinion that women are better at home speaks volumes to me on what he thinks of women! His good friend is a CEO. How many of us have that position and that ability when everything in SG is raising in cost??! Everything is raising except our salaries!
Read moreI think should read the second paragraph and not just the headline. He’s saying that women should be given the option to stay home and not be forced to go out to work in order to make ends meet cos not able to rely on one income.
As per his last sentence is his targeting audience woman who do not want to work or women in general ? Than again single income parents to support at this time is impossible unless their spouse get higher position in the company.
SG has such high standard of living. One person can't really support the entire family. Salary, benefits and welfare are not as fantastic as we think it is. It's too expensive to raise a child in SG.
WTF. Who is he to say what is the best roles for other people/family. Such close minded and ignorant people shouldn’t be in leader positions in the government. Best role for him is to eat s***.
Dont think so. Women can be the “jack of all trades”, juggling everything if they are determined to do so. Husband and wife should work together to make it work
It really shouldn't be about gender roles. The only part that makes sense is about making it more feasible for families to rely on single income.