What sleep training method did you find most effective for your baby?

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Ferber method (gradual extinction)
Co-sleeping and attachment parenting
No specific method, just following the baby's cues
Other (please specify)

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Give baby a sleeping aid, and a routine. For me, I find that a routine works for my LO. So I will feed baby, change his diaper, carry him quietly walk for 5 minutes, swaddle him, put him in his cot and cover top of his cot with a towel and then do nothing. To ease him into this routine, I slowly reduce the carrying part. Also, sleeping aid. I find that there's this wearable blanket with a puffy texture - my LO learnt to fall asleep by rubbing his face on the blanket. I always give him his blanket and he will self sooth back to sleep if he wakes in the motn. However, he has more trouble sleeping without the blanket, like when I take his blanket for a wash.

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