39.8 degree fever (1 year old kid)
Hi, it's 1:40am now. I just fed her paracetamol. Should I continue monitor or should I bring my 1 year old kid to A&E now? She is 39.8 degree fever. I guess she has a fever due to teething. Her fever started at midnight yesterday. Whenever will subside after I feed her paracetamol.

Hydrate and sponge is important to bring fever down. Do you have ibuprofen? You can stagger the feeding timings of ibuprofen/paracetamol such that the fever can be more controlled. If she's dehydrated e.g. keeps vomitting, bring her to A&E
i didn't bring my daughter to A&E. i just gave her breastmilk whenever she wanted. nope. she dh vomit etc other than fever.
how is your baby now ? just saw your message and thought you should bring her to the doc.
she is good now. no more fever. thanks mummies for caring.