Bun hamil 36 week perut bawat sakit nyerii pinggul jugaa nyeri bgt rasanya kek sakitt bgt knpa ya🥲

Saya hAmill 36 weekks

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It's common to experience discomfort and pain during the later stages of pregnancy, especially at 36 weeks. The pain in your abdomen and hips could be due to the pressure from the growing baby, as well as the shifting of your body to prepare for labor. Make sure to stay hydrated, practice good posture, and try gentle stretches or prenatal yoga to help alleviate the discomfort. Remember to consult with your healthcare provider if the pain is severe or persistent. Rest assured, these aches and pains are often a normal part of the pregnancy process as your body prepares for childbirth. Take care and best wishes for the remainder of your pregnancy! Jangan lupa untuk memeriksakan diri ke dokter kandungan jika rasa sakit sangat parah atau tidak kunjung mereda. Tetap tenang, rasa sakit dan ketidaknyamanan ini seringkali merupakan bagian normal dari proses kehamilan ketika tubuh Anda bersiap untuk persalinan. Selalu jaga kesehatan dan semoga segala sesuatunya berjalan lancar hingga persalinan nanti! https://shope.ee/9KMNPOoFkR

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Periksa aja bun

8mo ago

iya bun katanya kalo dede dah masuk panggul gtu bun skit dibagian pinggul