Any recommendation on apps/ YouTube videos on songs/ storytelling in mandarin suitable for 2yo toddler?

For App Store, try this: 兔小贝儿歌 There're songs, stories and poems. Can watch online or choose to download. For YouTube, try searching: 贝瓦儿歌 or 贝瓦故事 (If you can read Chinese well, can get more learning resources from their website:
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I look at 贝瓦儿歌 as well but I also bought a CD which plays mandarin nursery rhymes in the car for my boy. these CDs should be relatively cheap in the neighbourhood as I bought mine for 3 at $10!
The Mandarin Mandarin Bilingual Centre youtube channel has pretty good storytelling videos. The narrators are very animated!
I used to have FeedMe Chinese. Here's a bunch of recommendations too!
Pink Fong app has some Chinese songs that can download. My son likes it a lot.