Can expectant mother ride a motorbike? As a pillion? Even for short distances?

Hi i have been riding my husband motorbike as pillion up till im nine months now, but i wont recommend, as the road have bumps and humps. Your husband cannot speed and have to keep an extra lookout. There was once we hit a bump and i got anxious so i went for ultra sound and baby is fine. And its also because this is not my first child so im more aware of my body. And u will get back aches more than usual. So please take care! Take a grab or cab.
Read moreI've rode as a pillion for many years since my 2nd to 4th pregnancy (from early to late trimester) & rode to Msia. I even slept while riding which is of course dangerous. I will not recommend though. The road users nowadays are much more dangerous than my time even when you're careful enough. And you're still in your early stage of pregnancy which is considered as the 'fragile period' so do refrain from riding.
Read moredepends on individual actually. i used to be a pillion at 38 weeks for my#1. and ride a bike myself until 7months.
Wow up till now.. it should be safe right for short distances, im 8 weeks pregnant now
Yes why not? I was a pillion till end of 2nd trimester and i took class 2 bike somemore
nope i do not
you can but please be careful
I tried just now ride with my husband’s motorcycle/scooter. Which i guess better than taking those super bikes right? Kinda safer
Oh please be careful.
Do be careful!!!
Got a bun in the oven