8217 responses

no .. i wish i can be so hardworking and diligent to always plan and prepare her meals as im working in a 3-shift hospital environment ... instead of just giving her cerelacs and those pouches and jars ... and smtimes i cant figure out her taste and appetites ... i feel sad , inadequate and guilty cox i felt like i didnt give her enough nutrients .... i feel jealous to hear my colleagues giving their babies solids ...
Read moreSometimes only. She eats what we have because I don't have time to prepare her food. This makes me envious of other mommies. I wish I had planned my life ahead. I didn't kniw I'd be choosing to be a full time mom in the end so I couldn't afford a yaya. This makes me a little bit sad.
no :( sadly, I feel like I'm not able to give him enough nutrients. I don't think I am able to put Go, Grow, & Glow foods in one plate :( although we're still exclusively breastfeeding
My sister all time prepare food for our family that is why my answer was No. All time vegetables because we have garden and home located in the middle of the farm.
my,baby 10 months,and 9 daya takes her first step by her she not holding nothing like 5 steps to 7 steps it'snormal???thats her page below https://www.facebook.com/Lreign13/

yes,of course as a mom i need to think ahead of that preparing my baby food every meal,thats my goal to have a have a healthy baby not get in sick!
no..usually my mil always prepare for her porridge so I feed her.. but I sometimes prepare for her and prep fruits....everyday eat porridge 😅
My 10months baby didn't eat anything except his cereal which is cerelac 😭. Can mommies out there advise me on this thing. Thanks a ton!
Boil chicken, pork or beef for 3 or more hours with bones. Whole garlic, onion, slices of ginger, leeks. After it boils for 3 hours. Boil your veggie of choice. Add cooked rice. This is sooo good your baby will love it.
Saves me the stress to think about what to feed my child on a daily basis, as it’s a good thing she’s not a picky eater
sometimes but mostly he eats what we have at the table, kanin ulam specially veggies, he also has his cerelac and biscuits