Is it common for first time preggy to overthink and worry how the little one will develop inside ?
Do you all overthink like what is the baby develop with birth defect only when the baby is born and not seen during ultrasound ?
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Yup and it’s very very normal. Not only FTM will experience this. Regardless of the number of children, you will definitely be worried about baby’s growth, whether it’s doing well inside etc etc. Also, the worry doesn’t stop… it last a lifetime hahaha~
2y ago
For a lifetime?! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 so true .. the worrying just begins… hahaha so envy the husband sleeping so well 🥴🥴🥴
Yes yes all the time! Even now when I've insomnia!! 😂 very grateful for each day I'm still pregnant and feeling symptoms though.. congrats to u too :')
2y ago
Yayyy! I am really really not alone! Now I also know of people who doesn’t sleep and overthink and can’t fall asleep 😂😂 my husband and people around me kept saying “stop overthinking” but 😂😂 I can’t help it.. so bad that I need to come online to seek for comfort hahahahaha