Ask the expert series: Tips to handle your baby’s night wakings?

NOTE: Drop your questions below this post. ⚠️ Does your baby keep you up all night? 💤👶 Those midnight cries and endless wake-ups can feel overwhelming, leaving you exhausted and in search of answers. Well, fret not, because I've got your back! 🤗 Join me for an exclusive #AskTheExpert session, where we'll dive deep into the below topic: 📣 Topic: How to Handle Your Baby's Night Wakings? 🗓️ Date: 20th September, 2023 🕒 Time: 8pm to 9pm Here's what you can expect: 💤 Strategies to soothe your little one. 🌜 Tips for establishing healthy sleep routines. 😓 Insights into common causes of night wakings and how to address them. Warm regards, Ms. Amber Lim Clinical Psychologist MPsy(Clinical)

Ask the expert series: Tips to handle your baby’s night wakings?
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