17 week pregnant pee alot
Hi, is it normal too pee aloooot at 17 week pregnancy like every 5-15min? And bladder feel full always and mild cramps on bladder. #pleasehelp #1stimemom #advicepls
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totally normal. sometimes your bladder feels full but when you go to the toilet, its only a drop. lol. you prolly will feel that u need the toilet even when u just got out withinn 3 mins. 😅
I've transformed from never needing to wake up to pee before pregnancy to waking up at least 2 times through out the night to pee now at 18 weeks.
It is normal to have the need to pee more than usual but if you mean every 5-15 mins the entire day, maybe see doctor as it may be UTI.
Yes, very normal. Wait till 3rd trimester, you’ll absolutely want to sleep on the toilet bowl instead. 🤣