Spotting - 5 weeks pregnant
Is it normal for spotting at 5 weeks pregnant? 3-4 spots of the size of a cotton bud tip.#firsttimemom #pleasehelp #advicepls

Hi Fellow Parents, Please find below the link to the community post and article discussing the issue. I hope that helps.
Read moreBefore I tested for pregnancy . I had quite a bit of spotting for 2w(would even cover an entire panty liner) accompanied with mild cramps, thought period was due but was actually pregnant at abt 4/5w. Gynae say it’s normal , I now have a healthy toddler (;
I suggest consulting your gynae for a peace of mind. My gynae says thou spotting is nothing serious for some ladies, any form of spotting or bleeding shouldn't be considered as a norm in pregnancy as every individual is different. :) take care!
I spotted one week from week 4 to 5w nearly 6w. no worry.. if u concern consult your gynae, they will scan to check.. usually is left over blood this is what my gynae told me. try to avoid carry heavy things and rest more. take care mummy
Same! I had spotting around w4-5 of my first pregnancy (but not my 2nd) and was very concerned, consulted my gynae, did some tests and turns out it was nothing! You can never be too safe! When in doubt just consult your gynae.
yes it’s normal