NIPT test or OSCAR ?

Hi mummies, I am unable to decide between which test to go for. NIPT or OSCAR. Any tips please? I am currently 11 weeks 1 day pregnant #1stimemom

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At first my partner and I wanted to do just NIPT/Harmony, but eventually settled on both. Oscar/FTS, although promising lower accuracy rate of 90%, actually does structure test which can detect heart defects and other conditions. Heart defects are 7 times more common than Down syndrome, and we feel that at our age of 38, we want to cover all bases. If you choose not to do Oscar, you can still detect structure anomalies at week 20 but that gives you only 4 weeks to do amniocentesis to investigate further. You cannot terminate the pregnancy beyond the 24th week, FYI. Best to find out everything way ahead of time to figure out your next moves with minimal stress.

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