Baby bump in 2nd pregnancy

Hi mummies who had gone through multiple pregnancies, I am currently week9 and my bump is already very obvious as compared to my first pregnancy. It looks as if I am in my 4/5th month. Is it common to show so early for sub pregnancies? TIA

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Once you are pregnant for the second time onwards, it will be very obvious as your stomach muscle/previous mummy pouch still visible and has stretched. My #2 at 12 weeks is quite bulging.

Hi Mummies! I am 12 weeks pregnant but my baby bump is not visible:) Even though it's my 2nd pregnancy.. i think it depends on the every individual body structure also😊

Same. My second pregnancy at 12 weeks now. And it’s bigger than my first pregnancy.

Babe same! I look so big even though im only 9 weeks. 2nd pregnancy here