Thoughts on rocker chair for newborns
Hi mummies! What's your thoughts on rocker chair for babies? I have decided to get a baby cot. Is rocker chair a good investment? Asking as I am doubtful if newborns can use rocker chair for long. Or is there any particular brand/model that can be used for long.

I bought a rocker for my #1 and used it for #2 too. It’s useful especially if baby has reflux issue, you can put your baby into the rocker to keep him/her upright after milk feeds. But of course, don’t on the movement 😂 The one I bought is solely just a rocker though, so your concerns are right that it can’t be used for too long. Maybe you can consider something like this instead: It’s suitable for infant to toddler. When they are older, can use it like a chair. Price is quite affordable also
Read moreI would say it's a no regret investment when you can just place baby there self play .
I don't like the bjorn angle I got fisher one instead
A little anxious, a lot excited