What to wear to hospital during delivery?
Hi Mummies, what did you wear during delivery of your little one? Night gown? Any mask needed? #1stimemom #advicepls #firstbaby

didnt wear mask the whole entire stay in delivery suite or ward. only need to wear when going for ultrasound scan.. so in case, just bring spare mask! usually will wear hospital gown. only bring own clothes for going home.. or can use back the same clothes you wear to hospital. this is for kkh!
if u meant wear to hospital, just your regular clothes. if u meant wear at hospital then their gown. was mostly mask off throughout entire stay in delivery suite n in ward (feb 2022) was under KKH subsidised
hi mummy! hospital will provide hospital gown during your stay. you can request for a new one if you need to change. i gave birth at tmc december 2021 and did not wear mask while inside the room.
gave birth in May in TMC. wore hospital gown. Were asked to wear mask when nurse attending to me, other times I was allowed to take out mask. brought our own masks to change throughout the stay.
Hi mummy, my delivery at TMC last year. They given me hospital gown to charge up. Mask off throughout the delivery. I was ask to take off my mask for better breathing.
If you’re referring in the hospital, then hospital gown through out. I was mask off thru out the entire stay (during covid period). I gave birth at TMC.
mask off when in delivery suite and own ward. wear hospital gown during hospital stay.
Hosp will provide the hospital gown. I was mask off in my room at mt e novena.