Avid drinker of bubble tea and pokka Green tea

Hello mummies, Just wanted to see if I could still continue drinking pokka Green tea. Is aware that tea contains caffine and I usually drink 1 cans - 2 cans per day. Please advice if I could still drink and if I need to cut down more #advicepls

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Should not be a problem to continue drinking. Maybe cut down a little because of the sugar content and keep to half or 1 can instead of 2. I have been drinking iced lemon tea throughout my pregnancy and so far no problems. But do also take in enough water! Bubble tea maybe once a week or once in two weeks should be ok I think. I take Koi bubble milk tea but without the sugar. The caffeine in tea is not too much so it's ok to take a cup daily.

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I will advice to cut down or stop until you have taken your glucose test. Sweet drinks may not affect others but may affect you. Our pregnancy body is different, not the same. I am an avid Green tea drinker too but I drink once in a while. I'm gestational diabetes free. Only then I start drinking sweet drinks to satisfy my cravings.

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I avoided green tea.. I took black tea if I really wanted bbt.. but I limit myself to a small cup and make sure is not too thick.

I try to limit myself to maximum two teabags or one bubble tea on alternate days

I stopped drinking milk tea when we started TTC


will suggest you to cut down.

better to avoid