Induce experience

Hi mummies out there. Please share your experience if you’ve ever been induced. Like what time did you go in. Or if you’re induced at labour ward? Am inducing at KKH. #adviceplease

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Gave birth 2 months ago in KKH! Waterbag leaked at 9 in the morning at 39 weeks. Went to the hospital, but was only 1cm dilated. Induced in observation room at roughly around 12pm as I was bleeding and had to wait 5-6 hours(if I could recall clearly) to see if cervix open. I was pushed to labour room an hour after I was induced and remained there until I gave birth at midnight. Oh and I opted for Epidural as the contraction was so strong but I was only 3cm dilated after the whole 6 hours. And the checking of cervix opening was traumatizing for me. I hated it so much!

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