Induce experience

Hi mummies out there. Please share your experience if you’ve ever been induced. Like what time did you go in. Or if you’re induced at labour ward? Am inducing at KKH. #adviceplease

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Was induced in NUH delivery suite, induced because waters broke but no real contractions yet. Whole labour was 28hours long, super painful for the whole of the second half (5pm to 5am) after 3rd tablet inserted until they finally started epidural for me. But effect of epidural only lasted 2+hours and soon I felt like I was feeling the full force of contractions even with epidural ☠️ probably because I had not much water left inside for cushioning 😓. Pushed out baby in under 1 hour! With the help of the nurse and my husband helping to hold legs haha. Advise to expect pain 🥲 rest when you can, just sleep when they start epidural, reserve energy for pushing at the end!!

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1y ago

were u allowed to eat?? I mean that's more than 24hrs.