Induce experience

Hi mummies out there. Please share your experience if you’ve ever been induced. Like what time did you go in. Or if you’re induced at labour ward? Am inducing at KKH. #adviceplease

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I was induced for my firstborn. baby refused to come out at 40wks and i had gdm. Induced at 8pm at special ward, sent to normal ward. 10pm started having contractions. By midnight contractions was so strong that waterbag burst so was brought to labour ward however i was only 1cm dilated. 16hrs of wait before baby was finally born. According to nurses there, that timing is normal for 1st time mothers and dilation are usually not as fast. Induction experience = strong contractions. I heard from others who have experienced both induced and natural that the contraction strength is vy diff for these 2.

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