Induce experience
Hi mummies out there. Please share your experience if you’ve ever been induced. Like what time did you go in. Or if you’re induced at labour ward? Am inducing at KKH. #adviceplease

was induced at NUH. bb came out only on 3rd day after induce. natural delivery. for me, the painful part was checking for dilation and I realised the way different nurse checks matters. during my long inducing process, I had checks every few hrs from 2 nurses. one of them was gentle, doesnt hurt much, the other uses force like she is washing bowls or what 1st day insert pills . got wheeled up and down every few hrs to check dilation as my private ward and the induce ward is at different levels. for me, the first pill didnt work 2nd day, insert another pill. repeated the checking process up and down. started bleeding at night, went to check, dilation only 2cm. nurse mention minimum 3cm for epidural... dragged until 3rd day morn as dilation was slow. finally managed to get epidural. pushed for a good nearly 2 hrs before delivery, didnt had much strength left so gynae had to get a few medical staff to come in and push my stomach
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