Induce experience

Hi mummies out there. Please share your experience if you’ve ever been induced. Like what time did you go in. Or if you’re induced at labour ward? Am inducing at KKH. #adviceplease

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Mine was induced at TMC. I was asked to go in at 11pm, I went in at 1150pm cause I’m scared lol! They will put you in the labour ward to check for baby’s heart rate and also start the inducing process here (insertation of pills). When you’re halfway or almost dilated, they will wheel you up to delivery suite to prepare for labour. My entire process took 6 hours. However, I cannot assure if KKH works the same, just sharing my own experience. Overall the entire process till birth didn’t hurt as I requested for laughing gas before epidural.

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2y ago

After. Before they insert I didn’t have contractions. Contractions only started awhile after they insert the pills.