Water retention
Hi mummies, is it normal to get water retention in 2nd trimester? I am in my week 19 now.. #ftm

hi! water retention is normal in pregnancy. mine worsened in third trimester. and i dont even eat a lot of sodium. i checked with my doctor whether it is because of my diet or whether i dont drink enough water, she said it's just a common pregnancy symptom. if you get it, it's not controllable. however, there are some ways to reduce the swelling and improve the blood circulation to help with water retention. 1) walk. yes, keep walking. it helps the blood flow throughout and will reduce the possibility of water retention 2) drink lots of water to flush out the toxins 3) raise you legs up on a pillow at night when you rest or sleep 4) massage your legs in an upward motion to encourage the blood to flow better towards your heart
Read moreI had very bad water retention from mid 2nd trimester onwards, which worsened right after I gave birth partly cos of the IV drips I received. Took another 2 to 3 weeks to go away. some ladies are lucky not to have it, but it affects many of us and is a normal pregnancy symptoms according to the doctors. raising legs during sleep wasn't comfortable for me, so I wore knee high compression socks instead nightly and sometimes even during the day when i was home. full body massage is good! hubby did a simple one every night, also went for professional one once. my postpartum massage was so shiok that on hindsight I think I should have engaged for prenatal as well.
Read moreI started getting water retention in my second trimester too and my veins on my legs became very swollen. Dr says it’s normal and will go away after delivery. Plus my job requires a lot of time on my feet so it’s also an occupational hazard that my veins are a bit weaker already. I wear compression socks (got my husband to help put it on since it gets tougher to do it myself), elevate my legs every night and drank lots and lots of water!
Read moreI’m on my 27th week and no water retention til now. You must be eating a lot of salty food or you drink too much water (more than 2L/day) Avoid salt and water intake should be 2L only per day. Also, do a leg raise when you get home.