26w period like cramps - normal?
Hi mummies! Is it normal to feel period like cramps at 26weeks? Random moments at the lower abdomen area?? #advicepls #1stimemom

pls visit the gynea if you're worried. i had a very mild period like cramps at 35+weeks which lasted for about 4hrs (each pain last about few seconds) no bleeding or spottings at all. but at that point i notice bb isnt moving as strong which some may say due to space constraint as bb gets closer to birth.lucky i dint take the risk. went to the hospital & found out i was having a placental abruption (unfortunately the waterbag was filled with some blood hence i hv no V-bleeding & bb accidentally consumed) which requires emergency csect.
Read moreIt’s normal especially for FTM as long no bleeding.. I experienced e same previously during 1st trim and e cramp nv go off for 2 weeks. Did scan and nothing wrong so doctor commented that my body is trying to adjust “herself” to let baby to live in..
I think it’s normal so long there’s no bleeding. Coz your uterus is expanding.. I have that when I was in my 2nd trimester as well coz baby is breech. It got worst in my 3rd trimester coz I’m petite.