38 weeks still working

Hi mummies, issit normal that there's still no signs of labour yet at 38 weeks? And I am still working, I'm only starting my ML on week 39; is it safe to do so? I'm so worried... I've been walking a lot and hope that does not trigger anything. #pleasehelp #advicepls #firstmom #firstbaby #firsttimemom #FTM

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Im so sorry you had to experience this. But perhaps this should be brought up again and it doesnt matter if you are private/subsidy the treatment you get should be up to standard. While I understand private would have the one on one or more personalized experience than subsidy. But I hope all the healthcare systems will deliver a better standard. The experience you get was very bad. The scar, the pain and the aftermath should be brought up. What they did was incorrect. Even if they need to go on break, etc there should be other attending nurse/doctor. I do get people feedback that subsidy patients get a very bad treatment. But I would say it depends not all but some. My own friend's wife had a bad experience in KKH, had to come back and hospitalize, reopen stitch and restitch back the torn area. Husband feedback to social worker, doctor in charge and nurse in charge that was on duty during labour.

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It is normal. I do have work colleagues that only start their ML once they go in labour. For first time mum it would 99% be late to deliver. Either 39 weeks or latest 41 weeks (subject to individual) It won't trigger your body unless you had your last cervix check (few cm opened), amniotic fluid leaking (unknowingly), signs of mild contractions,etc.

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1y ago

It already happened, even complain also no use, kena scar alrdy. Only 1 Midwife help to deliver my first born in the labour room. Midwife left for food break at least 30mins when the doctor alrdy told midwife to "expedite"... i was left alone in labour room with husband. Midwife left 5mins later , i start to feel very pain alrdy due to epidural reduction n contraction, i press bell so long no people come. Husband went out to tell staff , that staff said not their "room section" and ask us wait for my room's staff to come. Finally midwife came back n pushed for some time.Den i heard the machine alarm, den another nurse came in and midwife made excuse to leave the room n never came back. Then after further some more pushing, doctors team den rush in. Emergency assisted vag delivery. Singapore standard why like that :( The whole experience felt that issit i paid subsidised rate, i do not deserve standard care? Maybe im wrong because i never gave birth before and this is usually the "sta