6 mths old solid foods

Hello mummies! My infant has started solids at 5 mths old as per PD's recommendation. He's been eating pureed fruits and veggies and he really enjoys eating. He's a few days shy to 6 mths old and wonder what other forms of foods can I introduce to him? TIA ☺️ #advicepls

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Super Mum

Hi mama! Glad to know baby is enjoying eating! Starting solids can be a very exciting time for mama and babies alike! Some good foods to start with include mashed up avacado, apples, broccoli, banana, pumpkin, sweet potato and more. Here’s a food list to get you started: https://raisingchildren.net.au/babies/breastfeeding-bottle-feeding-solids/solids-drinks/introducing-solids Note: while this site advises to mix foods, I tend to err on the side of caution and introduce foods one at a time to see how baby reacts to the food given. For proteins, I’d start with fish before moving on to chicken and red meats. Eggs should be introduced slowly too. I hope this helps mama!

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