1st appointment at 6 weeks
Hi, mummies. I'm going for my 1st appointment this Saturday. Am I able to see any fetus or sac at 6 weeks? What should I expect and should I be nervous? Also, I'm feeling so so tired and nauseous. It's really bad. Any tips? #pregnancy #1stimemom #firstbaby

You will be able to see a sac :) don't be nervous all will be good! I told my gynae about my symptoms: tiredness, nauseous etc he actually told me it's good! It means pregnancy is progressing well! This kept me going even though some days it's so so bad. you can consider buying seaband, applying Vicks on your throat and chest, try Haribo ginger lemon gummy, eat small meals. Basically u try some food that u won't feel like throwing up and see if it works to curb your nauseousness. For me hot teh-o helps me with my nauseousness but limit to one cup a day. Dont worry just rest more, drink alot of water and nap as much as u can and stay positive :)
Read moreI went for my 1st appointment at 6 weeks too and was only able to see a sac. Informed the gynae about my morning sickness and he prescribed some anti-nausea med to relieve my condition However, it does not help much for my case as my heart burn was so bad that I vomit every now and then. Had to avoid all acidic, sour, spicy food to avoid further triggering the feeling of heart burn throughout the day. Only able to swallow a bit of food such as porridge. Just keep telling myself that this is part of the process and we will get through. If your body is tired, just remember to let yourself rest. Hang on! 💪🏻
Read more6 weeks might be too early to see the pole, might see yolk which confirm you are pregnant. Folic acid will be prescribed, that is about it. Likely you need to return for another scan. Take care, stay positive and God blesses you and baby.
Read morefeeling tired and nauseous is normal. this may help you -https://sg.theasianparent.com/10-tips-to-cure-morning-sickness?slide=0
probably scanning and doc will prescribe folic acid. endure mummy. its part of pregnancy journey. it will get better 😊
I aso went first appt and realise ld is 6 weeks base on size, only can see the sac
A cute bun in the oven ❤️