When can I ask gynae for HL

Hi mummies. I’m currently at 34 weeks and already super tired to keep working. My next appointment with my gynae, I will be at 36 to almost 37 weeks. I’m taking private at KKH. If I ask my gynae for HL, would it be approved?#pregnancy #1sttimemom

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I am seeing a private specialist with astra womens' specialist. I asked when I see the doc at 34 weeks but he explained that he cannot give HL readily just like that because MOH is coming down hard on errant doctors who give MC and HL like freebies. He said that maternity leave can be taken before delivery and unless there is a strong reason for issuing HL, MOH may reconsider the doctor's license. I told him I'm a full-time teacher at a neighbourhood secondary school and it is very tiring to take the stairs and speak for long hours (I have back-to-back 3h hours at one shot with no break in between). He said he will review my condition when I see him at 36 weeks. My fellow teacher colleagues asked me why I'm not taking a break yet now that most weighted assessments are over and I've done my part to teach and mark...so I feel you. I resort to seeing GP and taking 1-2 day of MC just to rest (started to develop tension headaches from all the physical exertions in school).

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3w ago

Hmmm quite contradicting that your gynae is unable to issue you HL before delivery but your GP can give you MC just to rest? But I did hear the news about tightening measures for MC issuance