Excessive phlegm in throat???

Hello Mummies!! I’m almost 12 weeks in to this pregnancy and I’ve noticed that it’s not the “morning sickness” that’s triggering my nausea but more of the phlegm that is constantly hanging out at the back of my throat! Does any other mummies experience excessive phlegm production too? How do you overcome that 🤮🤮🤮🤮 It’s pretty yucky to keep throwing up phlegm. 😮‍💨#advicepls

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Hey mama, For the benefit of mamas who are reading, hormonal imbalances can cause the swelling of your nasal passages and the production of more mucous. This article suggests a saline rinse or irrigation: https://www.hellomotherhood.com/article/541916-thick-mucus-when-pregnant/ Other articles have suggested not consuming too much creamy stuff so that the mucous doesn’t get thick and irritating - it also prevents more mucous from being produced. Hope this helps mama.

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4y ago

Thank you so much for this 🥰