Intermediate risk for down syndrome
Hi mummies. Im at 12w 6 days and just went for a downsyndrome test. My result is 1:445 which is intermediate risk but im quite worried. anybody has ever such result but baby turned out normal and healthy? Thank you. Also just to rant a bit, the sonographer was very rough & made me worry unnecessarily as she keeps saying n sighing when she couldn’t detect the nasa bone. Made me very worried n uncomfortable in that room 😢#advicepls #pleasehelp #firstbaby #pregnancy

Hi! So sorry that you had to go thru the above. This did not happen to me but my aunt! Her DS results and scan showed that baby has DS and was strongly advised by her gynae to terminate the pregnancy. Thank god they didn’t do so, baby turned out healthy and no signs of DS at all! My cousin is currently 10! 🥹 You might wanna seek for a second opinion? 🫶🏻
Read moreBedside manner is definitely something that can set a mum at ease or make her feel worse. Sorry u had to go through that. Did your gynae offer you to do any follow up tests? I know friends who had very high risks and child turned out ok. But of cos best to decide what’s best for your family after doing more follow up tests ❤️ take care
Read morefor intermediate risk I think u don't need to worry. Mine is high risk which is 1:2. highest in the scale. did amnio and confirm that baby is totally fine. This test is very prudent as false positive is better than false negative. if yours is intermediate risk, very high chance baby is most likely fine. nothing to worry about.
Read moresame goes to me on my first pregnancy. keep on saying "there no nasal bone, we recomend u to take the NIPT" (which is expensive) luckily my gynae keep in reasurring me that doesnt mean no nasal bone, yr child will be DS as there more to it to diagnose as 1. n my child was born healthy. talk with yr gynae n hear them out
Read moreI am also having intermediate risk for Oscar. 1:677 I cried and was devastated. Waiting for NIPT result. Hopefully it is fine. It is difficult to be pregnant for me, we tried for so long and finally I am pregnant. I really feel scared that anything wrong with baby. I really want to keep it.
I had my DS result 1:567(FTS test) and was advised to go for NIPT(99%) which will give you a more accurate result as it will come back as super high risk or super low risk(1:10000+). awaiting for my nipt result now.. if you're worried can ask your gynae about the nipt test..
What test was that? If it is FTS or Oscar, they hve a lot of false positive. Go for NIPT which is more expensive but accuracy is 99% if this can give u assurance. Q
Had Oscar scan and got high risk 1:10 decided not to follow up or do any other testing baby born perfectly healthy
I had intermediate risk for down syndrome in OSCAR scan but in NIPT it came as low
Consider taking NIPT. It’s more accurate.