Baby gender #Advisepls

Hi All mummies, I am now in 19weeks, when can I get to know it's a boy/girl? Anxiously waiting for. When and how to start planning buying things for baby?

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It depends on how cooperative baby is. I got to know mine at week 13 cause the bum is always facing up but if you’re going for the detailed scan, week 20 should be able to confirm the gender (provided if baby cooperates). Can get bigger items from shopee double digit sales (eg 8.8, 9.9..) or wait for the upcoming mummy fair (7-9oct). If you don’t mind second hands, can start collecting baby stuffs from your mummy friends or relatives. Those with expiry dates (lotion, sanitizers etc) can get around 2 weeks to 1 month before EDD. 😊

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2y ago

thank a lot

If you go for the more extensive NIPT test, it will normally test for more chromosome issues and baby gender. I got to know my baby gender once the NIPT results were out. Otherwise, have to wait for the scan where the sonographer can see clearly whether baby is boy or girl. It depends on baby position in the womb.

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does it matter to know the gender before you buy things for the baby? curious to know how it would change depending on the gender

Agree just whack during 9.9 upcoming sales. But I saw the gender in week 16 as it was opening the leg.