Lower abdomen hardens

Hi mummies. I am 13.3 wks tdy. Ytd i woke up and felt that my tummy was tighten and when i touched it, there was a bump on the lower abdomen and its hard. after i stood up and lay down again, its not there. today i felt the same thing aft a nap. May i know is that normal and what is it ? is it the uterus ? #1stimemom #pleasehelp

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Super Mum

Hi Momma! I wouldn’t worry too much. Baby is getting bigger and may be moving and rotating in your belly. Baby may have just been in a awkward position at that time. Enjoy the rest of your pregnancy journey!

Yes I feel it too! From w18 onwards. I feel like it’s bb pushing me to make space 😅 some say it’s braxton hicks