Hi mummy, I had bleeding polyps today and I am 6 weeks and 4days preggy

Hi mummies, have any of you encounter this during first trimester. I was having bleeding polyps today. Went str8 to kkh and doctor told be that she can see my polyps is bleeding. I heard my baby heartbeat as well and doctor say my baby is fine. I have progesterone injection and was told to continue dopher and folic acid. However, I have been peeing blood clot but there wasn't any blood stain. Can this be due to my polyp is there anyone having the same issue. I am really worried as this is my first baby. Please help. #firstbaby #advicepls #pleasehelp #1stimemom

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i was in the same situation with my baby. polyp causes bleeding once in awhile until second trimester for me. also ftm. now delivered happy and healthy baby.