Fast heart beat and breathlessness
Hi Mummies! Anyone experience fast heart beat/palpitations with breathlessness during their 3rd trimester? It gets worse every time after eating. Really uncomfortable feeling like feeling so unfit. #pleasehelp #firstbaby #pregnancy

It’s normal. Wait till you experience “forgot to breathe”.. I have been experiencing it for quite a few times, I’ll be gasping for air. Lol. Usually happens when I’m about to sleep. Then I’ll just laugh at myself silly. And yes whenever I eat, I feel so breathless and tired. Feels like I need to breathe more than I need to eat. 😂 Feels like I’m running out of air! Like I just ran a marathon but actually just sitting there stuffing my face with just 1 choc chip Swee Heng bread. Hahaha. I suggest you take smaller portion of meals frequently at any time of the day to ease the hunger pangs. It gets worse when you’re eating or doing anything and Braxton hicks attacks. Gosh, that’s even worse.
Read moreI experience this too! I believe it's normal, as our body is working harder to give oxygen and blood to baby. I experience breathlessness after walking even short distances, and fast heartbeat, especially in the morning while and after eating breakfast. My heart also beats fast when i go for my appointments with gynae, as I'm excited and anxious to see baby in the scan! It is an uncomfortable feeling, but taking deep breaths helps. Good to rest when feeling breathless too. Jiayou! :)
Read moreMe! And i hate it so much 😭 standing, seating, lying doesnt help.. i usually walk around the house to make me feel abit more comfortable. You can try it!
Yup normal.