Restless Sleep

Hi mummies. My 3 month old baby moves non stop in his sleep. He keeps throwing his legs and hands while he sleeps. He grunts too while doing this. I tried to swaddle him and it helps for a while before he breaks loose from the swaddle. Any idea on how to stop him from fidgeting so much in his sleep? #firsttimemom

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Hi mama! I'm in the same stage and haven't found a perfect solution but there are some things that help! 1. I use a hands up zip swaddle instead of muslin blanket - my baby has been breaking out of blanket swaddles since 1 month old so I no longer use them in case they cover his face when sleeping. 2. Sometimes it's gas!! Because at night they don't move so much so a lot of build up. I massage tummy and do leg bicycles while he continues to sleep - once he farts he sleeps peacefully already 🤣

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No way to stop them cause thats just the way they are. Itll get better as they grow. Even now at 1 year, my baby still moves here and there when sleeping. He even clap hands in his sleep.

We faced the same situation and we tahan until baby outgrown the stage. It’s tough.

this is hi now my baby sleep at the age of 2 plus

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