1 month with covid
Hi monmies, what to do when newborn have covid?? Help pls! 😭😭#pleasehelp #covid

My baby was 28 days old when she contracted covid. We only found out when we brought her to a clinic that conduct ART on children age 6 and below. She had fever and was vomiting. We were admitted to kkh and several tests was conducted. Please look out for signs such as if baby is coughing, squeezing, vomitting, fever. If unsure and suspect that baby has covid, please bring baby to kkh. Hope all is well for u and your family.
Read moreHi! My newborn (1 week old) had covid in March. We got isolated in KKH for 3 days. My newborn did very well. She was not sick but was mainly there to be monitored. It was my toddler who fell quite ill. His fever shot up to 40 °c. Please do monitor her and ensure she doesn’t have a fever. Hope your baby gets well soon!
Read moreHi my newborn is negative covid but I’m positive Should I send him to hospital too to check? Should I continue to breastfeed? Because he can’t sleep at night with my parents when we isolate him away from me
Babies below 3 months will have to be admitted. Please head to the A&E ASAP.
Go to hospital.
go hosp!
hope baby recovers well! 👐