low placenta
hey moms, any idea what i can do if gynae told me my placenta is low. is there like a brace i can wear?

nothing you can do. have to let it shift up by itself else you have to go for cesarean. mine was low at 20 wks plus days too but it shifted up by itself at 32 wks plus days thus I was able to had a natural birth.
I also had that earlier on with spotting and dr advised no long walking and to rest more but not total bedrest. Any kind of exertion that puts pressure on the uterus should be avoided.
yeah, i was advise the same but im actually working in an office setting that dosent require walking! 🤣
I had Low placenta on my 21 weeks and doc advised to avoid intercourse. I abstain from intercourse for a good 2 months until my next scan and placenta moved up.
You cannot do anything for it. It will automatically move as your uterus grows. I too have low placenta and gyane said it should move by 30th week.
Dont worry most ppl n i myself also both pregnancy baby at lower placenta....after sometime maybe 1 month later they both automatic moved up.
Same situation Low placenta in 20wks. Nothing to worry. By 32wks will up own way
Mine moved up from week 28 onwards. Change your gynae if he insists on a c-sect.
My doctor told me the same thing but its okay! It will go up as the week goes by!
hope so! got alittle nervous as my gynae told me if it dosent move, no natural birth.
Avoid heavy lifting and sex. Most likely will move up.