I’m a FTM and my c section was a breeze. Almost painless. The biggest challenge was to get up from bed and go to the toilet on the next day. But with the help of painkillers (take them religiously), it’s manageable. I was able to walk up and down the stairs at home shortly after discharge. My recovery was smooth too, no bleeding or any other complications. I didn’t shower during the whole confinement month though, only wiped clean. For the wound, I only applied the scar gel given by my gynae. The scar is barely visible now (15months pp). The one thing I find important is to bring a drinking bottle with straw to the hospital. Then you won’t need to sit up straight for water. Use the hospital bed to help you get up. I turned to my side and then press the button to raise the bed slowly. It helps to reduce discomfort by not engaging our abs too much. You can get the nurse to measure your waist/stomach before buying the belly band, you might be able to get it from the hospital. The band helps to support the wound. Wishing you all the best!
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