At what age did you send baby to IFC

Hi mommies, at which age did you send your baby to Infant Care ? And how are they coping during the first few weeks ? For a start how often did you send them a week? And usually what do we need to bring in their bag. Ill be delivering this month, an IFC just called me about an available slot, however its one month before my intended registration month. cause the centre told me they dont have slot for early next year, only end of this year. And so far no other centre have called me. Its also a month before my work resumes, however baby would only be 2 months plus and im feeling a little guilty that ill be sending him so early age to somewhere foreign altho my maternity will only end a month later. Any mommies going thru the same and how was it ? Im scared if i give this a miss, itll be harder to get slot anywhere else and itll be a problem once i start work. #advicepls #firsttimemom

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for a start you can send him for half days until you are comfortable since you are still on ML. I only sent my bb at 5.5 months as there was no vacancy. and by then he has huge separation anxiety already. So he refuses to drink milk in ifc. so pros and cons. if the teachers are really nice, I think the guilt will lessen cos you know he will be taken good care of. packing list can ask the school for one!

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