High risk for jaundice
Hi mom my baby is high risk for jaundice is it dangerous? Wat is it any thing I can do to lower down the risk? #advice #jaundicebaby #firsttimemom

Mine had to undergo phototherapy and had extended another hospital stay since his numbers after delivery was so alarmingly high. Afterwards, just continued breastfeeding at home and every morning I place his crib near our window for sunlight (not direct one) and sometimes walk him outside our condo. At 9 days old, his numbers improved and aren't considered high risk at all. So, can try these but if your LO hasn't been improving (which we don't want to happen) just opt for your LO's pedia's advice.
Read moreyou can go to Chinese medical shops I forgot the name of the herb. you boil it and use the extract, then shower LO with the medicated water. works for my 3 babies. you just inform the shop for jaundice. it's like cinnamon stick shape
check for bilirubin levels, dr. poke heel of the baby take blood and test for 1 hr then need to be place at phototherapy
perhaps PD might recommend phototherapy... hope ur baby recovers after a few days 🙏💕
My friend rented the UV light from the hospital. Do consult your PD
need to undergophototherapy
Bring to pd for further advice?