39 weeks and opting to induce at 39 + 5

Mixed feelings as the gynae of my choice is pro-induction. Baby is on the heavier side, currently at 3.2kg. I was originally looking for vaginal delivery with minimal intervention as much as possible other than epidural. I was told to prepare 8am the day before and the process starts from there. Delivery should commence the same evening, possibly into the night. Anyone with induction experience? How was your process? #firsttimemum

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I was like you, aiming for a as natural as possible delivery with minimal intervention except epi! I tried all ways of natural “induction” like walking, doing squats, pelvic exercises, raspberry leaf tea etc but baby was just too comfortable in my belly 🤣 my cervix was already 2cm dilated so after discussing with my gynae, we decided to go ahead with induction. The contractions i felt after induction was barely tolerable when i was at 3-4cm dilated (everytime they came i had to grab the sides of the bed and i couldnt talk), and thats when i asked for epi. After the epi was in, i managed to get some rest before it’s time. Total time it took for me frm insertion of induction pill to 10cm dilation was abt 10.5hrs. GL mummy! Dont be too hard on yourself if you need to have some intervention, esp since baby is on heavier side it will be safer for u and baby ☺️

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I admitted at 11:50pm for induction. After the first pill is inserted, they will check for dilation in between. After my first contraction hits, I just used laughing gas all the way till epidural is given. Entire process for mine took 6 hours, I gave birth at 6am. I would say with the help of pain reliefs, my entire induction birth process was pretty smooth and painless.

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1y ago

Were you already dilated before induction? Or if baby’s head had dropped down already?

I just delivered at 38wks through induction. 1st med inserted but cervix still not open, the next day 10.30am 2nd pill inserted. Intensed contractions started at 5pm doc check cervix already 3cm open. Pushed to delivery suite got my epidural and delivered at 11.34pm. I was only 1cm dilated when i got induced.

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