Which of the following might be considered red flags in the development of a baby aged 10-12 months? (Select all that apply)

Select multiple options
Not crawling or scooting
Not pulling up to stand
Not using gestures like waving or pointing
Not responding to their name
Not babbling or making repetitive consonant sounds
Not showing interest in interactive games like peek-a-boo
Not picking up small objects with thumb and forefinger (pincer grasp)
Not imitating sounds or actions of others
Not making eye contact or showing a variety of emotions
Other (please specify in the comment section)

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As a mother with experience raising children, some red flags to look out for in the development of a baby aged 10-12 months include: 1. Lack of Babbling or Communication: If your baby is not making sounds, babbling, or attempting to communicate through gestures by 10-12 months, it could be a red flag for delayed speech development. 2. Not Crawling or Standing: By 10-12 months, most babies should be able to crawl, pull themselves up, and maybe even stand with support. If your baby is showing no signs of mobility or struggling with basic motor skills, it could be a cause for concern. 3. Little to No Interest in Interaction: Babies at this age are usually very curious and interested in exploring their surroundings, as well as interacting with caregivers. If your baby seems disinterested, avoids eye contact, or doesn't respond to interactions, it could signal a developmental delay. 4. Delayed Gross or Fine Motor Skills: Difficulty in grasping objects, picking things up, or manipulating toys can be red flags for motor skill delays. Likewise, if your baby is not able to sit unsupported by 10-12 months, it may indicate a developmental issue. 5. Regression in Skills: If your baby had previously reached certain milestones but starts losing those abilities, such as no longer making sounds or losing motor skills they had developed, it could be a red flag for a developmental regression that needs attention. 6. Persistent Crying or Irritability: While occasional fussiness is normal, persistent crying, irritability, or extreme difficulty soothing your baby could be a sign of underlying issues, including sensory sensitivities or developmental challenges. If you notice any of these red flags or have concerns about your baby's development, it is important to consult with your pediatrician or a child development specialist for a thorough evaluation and appropriate guidance. Early intervention is key in addressing developmental delays and ensuring your child receives the support they need for healthy growth and development. https://invl.io/cll6she

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