Prolonged Jaundice
My LO jaundice level was 180 on 18 Feb (she was 2 weeks 4 days). We have since fully feeding her FM and stopped feeding BM since I'm eating confinement food. Anyone going through similar experience? How long does it take for the jaundice to go down? Any tips? #advicepls #pleasehelp #firsttimemom #firstbaby

My baby is 2 weeks 3 days today. Her jaundice was 187 last Thu and 167 today. I did not stop the confinement food and still have ginger in my food. However I did ask nanny to put less ginger and I don’t eat the ginger even though it’s in the food as I was also worried it may spike my baby’s jaundice level since last Thu 😅. I did try to stop ginger for a few days, but that makes me shiver in the middle of the night as a consequence of night sweat AC. That happened after I stop ginger. Nanny said I 受寒, so I started to resume ginger in my food. I’m also feeding her BM primarily, FM only in the middle of the night. Doctor cleared her from jaundice today. I guess the main thing is to make sure she is fed well and passes motion well as doctor said other than phototherapy, thats the most effective way to clear bilirubin from baby’s body. I did buy the baby herb bath from Eu Yan Sang and wipe her every day though. Perhaps you can also try?
Read moreMy gal was discharged fr hospital at 141 then 1st visit shoot to 230+. 2nd visit dropped to 210+ two days later. 3rd visit dropped to 170+ one week later. Final visit finally discharged from jaundice at 70+ one week later. Based on experience is keep feed and let Bb pass motion and urine. PD also mention if bf will take longer time to clear jaundice. I’m bf n fm at night n still consume confinment food. Just maybe limit ginger intake if not with persistent feeding shld be fine. Important is to wake Bb up to feed since they r pretty drowsy n sleepy during jaundice period.
Read moreYes that’s a sign of improving too. Haha if not they be always sleeping away. Cheers. :)
Confinement food is fine. My bb has jaundice too and was cleared within 2 weeks. When he was discharged,l from hospital, his jaundice level was 150+. First visit to hospital few days later was 190+, next visit about 1 week later dropped to 67. I am having confinement food all the way. BM can help to lower bb jaundice level and also indirect sunlight will be good enough for them.
Read moreThanks for the info! Good to hear that the jaundice can drop so fast
You can bring LO down early morning for a walk under the sun. Do not take in ginger/turmeric till jaundice level go down. Alternatively, to requeat for photo light therapy as the last option in KKH.
actually why feed fm instead of bm? Confinement food is healthy and fine to give bb bm
I see. I have been bm my baby since day 3 but the jaundice level goes up instead on day 16. I'm switching to mostly FM for now and will switch back to bm once my baby is cleared
First pregnancy, first time mom and I’m enjoying the journey!