Cord blood banking
Hi ladies, what’s your thoughts on private cord blood banking? I’m undecided and not sure whether to do it. Advice pls! Thanks. #firsttimemom

Hi there! Congratulations on your pregnancy! Private cord blood banking can be a tough decision for many first-time moms. Here's my take on it: Cord blood banking can potentially be a lifesaver for your child or even a family member in the future if they develop certain illnesses. It contains stem cells that can be used in medical treatments. On the other hand, it can be quite costly and the chances of using the stored cord blood are relatively low. If you have a family history of certain diseases or if you're concerned about the potential need for stem cell therapy in the future, then private cord blood banking might be a good option for you. However, if cost is a concern and there are no known health issues in your family, you may want to consider public cord blood donation instead. Ultimately, the decision is a personal one and it's important to weigh the pros and cons based on your specific circumstances. I would recommend discussing this with your healthcare provider and perhaps a genetic counselor to get a better understanding of your individual situation. Good luck with your decision, and remember that there's no right or wrong answer here. You're doing great! #momssupportingmoms
Read moreI was initially undecided too. In the end I decided to donate but end up during delivery there wasn't enough cord blood to collect anyway and in the end its discarded as biological waste. I'm glad I have chosen to donate as im considered a donor still even though the outcome wasn't expected. I believe if for private, they would just collect this insignificant amount when it wasn't even desirable in the first place because you have already paid... and also had I choose to go into private banking 2 years back,I would have choosen the one that was in the saga.... all In all, I'm happy that I donated
Read moreIMO, the costs doesn't justify the likelihood of using it. the percentage is so small. I think it's better to donate it.
Andre mama in oct 23