Newborn can’t sleep
I’ve tried everything.. diapers, feeding, burping, adjust temperature of room, cuddling baby, carrying baby. Nothing works. Baby is fighting sleep. She’s 3 weeks old now.. why is she fighting sleep? Is it normal?

3 weeks is when babies naturally start getting less sleepy- I think melatonin levels that they have at birth drop naturally at that time. To avoid an over tired baby, put baby to sleep/nap earlier. Try to follow feed, play, sleep routine. Aim for full feeds before baby gets too sleepy- a sleepy baby can’t eat well, and a baby that isn’t full can’t sleep. You might not get the timing right for the first few times- don’t be discouraged! It’s a constant process of trial and error and adjusting as they grow and change
Read morehi mummy! have you checked if your baby is overtired? overtired babies have difficulty sleeping. but my boy was also like that before, he was not a sleeper. but come 3rd month, he started sleeping regularly.