Has anyone experienced your baby pulling the umbilical cord?

I've noticed in the past couple of weeks in my 3rd trimester that my belly button "sunk" back in even though it's been popped since my 2nd trimester. When I tell my husband about it and point out the sunken belly button, we see it slowly being pushed back out 😂 kinda seems like my baby is playing with the umbilical cord? Now that I'm in week 33, she's been doing this more often so that I can feel her tugging my belly button and pushing it back out. Has anyone else experienced this? #firstmom #firsttimemom

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Agree with mummy above, umbilical cord isn't attached to our belly button. It's probably the position and movement of the baby that's causing the belly button to protrud or sink

7mo ago

Yup its the movement of the baby

Im not sure if its the baby but my belly button also sometimes a little sunken sometimes protruding. And umbilical cord or placenta is not attached to out belly button