Is Magtasil Antacid pregnancy safe?

Hello, I’m at week 5 and have been experiencing stomach discomfort, bloating and acid reflux these 2 days. 🥹 Can I check if magtasil antacid is safe for me? My gynae recommended this back I can’t seem to find any supporting articles on google that says that it’s safe. #firstbaby #pregnancy #ACIDREFLUX

Is Magtasil Antacid pregnancy safe?
7 Replies
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I went to my GP at week 9 cuz of bad gastric and reflux and this was exactly what was prescribed to me as well. GP knows that I'm pregnant and mention that this is safe. I only took it twice.

2y ago

Thank you for sharing 😊

It should be safe cause I had this with my first born. Everything is well

2y ago

Thanks dear 💕

I took Gavicson, it's safe for pregnancy and breastfeeding

VIP Member

i would advise gaviscon to be on the safer side

Gaviscon worked for me, also prescribed by doc

I had this during pregnancy, my gal is fine

I took Gaviscon