NUH subsidized

Hi all. I'm pregnant w no.2 and have decided on a gynae at NUH but I can only see her next year. In the meantime I was advised to go through Clinic G for my antenatal visits while waiting to see her. Can anyone advise on 1. How long before I get an appointment at Clinic G? It's been 3 working days since I went to the polyclinic for referral. Should I call to check? 2. I understand that some mums call in to check if there are last min cancellations to try to get an earlier appointment. Can I do that too w the WOMEN'S Clinic? 3. Has anyone tried going for the first appointment with any gynae at Women's Clinic (private) for the dating scan and then reverted to the given Clinic G appt (assuming it's quite late) I would like to have an appointment at week 7 but I heard that the first appointment can be as late as Week 10. 3. What is the cost of doing NIPT as a subsidized patient? Thanks all in advance!

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Yes, had my 1st appointment at week 10 which is just perfect cos I got to see my baby very clearly! You'll get your 1st appointment roughly between 2-4 weeks under referral. Trust me, go earlier you won't probably see your baby or hear your baby's heartbeat. Although some does get to see but not all. I'll say 8 weeks & above is a perfect time! I didn't get a call but got my 1st appointment in HealthHub so you might wanna check on the app or under ONENUHS app. Meanwhile if you worry, opt for private clinics not in hospital, for scans before you get your 1st appointment in NUH. That's what many do. I opt out of NIPT so I'm not sure of the cost. Already above 35 yrs old and don't wanna worry myself for that.

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3y ago

You'll be happy to see and hear your baby's heartbeat then! Take care